Background of the Study
The institution of education has been recognized as having significant value throughout the majority of civilizations and at all eras. According to Jude (2021), education may be seen as the process through which a society passes on its knowledge, culture, and values from one generation to the next. Education, it was emphasized further, is the process through which a person learns knowledge, obtains skills, and develops talents and attitudes essential for survival in the working environment. Education is the eye of an individual. Education is the process. In point of fact, education has developed into a massive government undertaking, which has seen the gradual development of a dynamic intervention and active engagement by the government (FGN 2004, quoted in Emeka) (2020). People today view education as a right rather than a privilege because of the educational system that is already in place. Because of this, everyone views themselves as having some sort of responsibility for the community, which contributes to the widespread feeling that they belong there. As a result of this, a large number of individuals feel that education is the primary factor in determining one's level of success; hence, education is seen as the "eye" of a person (Kia, 2019). A house is considered of as a family living together and the way it behaves, as stated by Ahmed (2019), whereas a family is defined as a group that consists of one or two parents and their children (Ibid). A broken home is a household, typically in reference to parenting, in which the family unity does not properly operate in accordance with the accepted societal standards. The phrase "broken home" is used to characterize a household. Therefore, the purpose of this study effort is to investigate the impact of family units that do not operate according to the established social standards on the academic performance of secondary school pupils in the Kaduna North Local Government Area. It is generally agreed upon that there will be variations in individual performance among any given group of students. In a classroom with forty students, the instructor may find that the students do not all learn at the same rate, despite the fact that he has used the same material and approach for the class (Mercy & Muhammed, 2019). As a result, there are likely to be differences in the levels of academic achievement among the students. However, various reasons have been presented for the causes of such variances in performance, including human intelligence, environment, meaninglessness of learning materials, and learning style, among others, which might alter the rate of learning. These aspects include: (Ibid). The choice of having a broken home as a factor that affects academic performance is not too surprising when one considers that the family is the fundamental unit of society (Baker, 2019), and that the student's home environment has a significant impact on the student's mental, emotional, social, and financial well-being (Miracle, 2020). Individuals are influenced by the environment of their homes since their parents are the first people in their lives to whom they are exposed to new people and ideas. According to Ofor (2018), the child's family is the primary factor that establishes the child's psychological, moral, and spiritual foundations over the course of the child's entire development. Although it is desirable that the individual's life during school periods be shaped and equipped by experiences that are provided by the school, it is also true that the individual's parents and the individual's experiences at home play enormous roles in shaping the child's personality and in determining the course of the child's life in school. Therefore, Sulaiman (2021) came to the conclusion that the environment from which a student originates can have a significant impact on both the student's personality and the academic performance of secondary school students. As a result, the significance of education justifies the need for this study, which aims to investigate the impact of a broken home on the academic performance of secondary school students and suggest potential solutions to the problems caused by this influence. Because the quality of a person's primary and secondary education plays such a significant role in determining the quality and, in some cases, the quantity of higher institutions that a person will have access to in the future, secondary education's place in the overall educational process is extremely important and should not be overlooked (Daniel, 2020). All of these factors point to the need of doing this study. The primary purpose of this research is to investigate the numerous facets of a broken home and the ways in which each affects the academic performance of children. It will investigate questions such as the following: to what degree do children who live with their biological parents who are married have superior academic performance than children who live with foster parents? To what degree do children who grow up with only one parent tend to have higher levels of academic success than children who are raised by both their mothers and fathers? It will also investigate the degree to which broken families have influenced the amount of attention that kids receive from their parents and the degree to which broken homes have affected the amount of academic incentive that parents offer to their children. It is also the intention of this body of work to address the degree to which broken households exert an impact on the emotional milieu inside homes, the socioeconomic level of parents, and the overall emotional stability of children.
1.2 Statement of the Study
Investigations into the elements that impact students' academic performance have, throughout the course of the years, piqued the attention of educators, counselors, psychologists, researchers, and school administrators in Nigeria. In Nigeria, this interest can be found in both public and private schools (Esther & Musa, 2019). This is as a result of the outcries from the general people against the inadequate level of education throughout the country (Grace, 2019). The nation as a whole and the Kaduna North Local Government area of Kaduna State in particular are characterized by poor academic performance and the breeding of graduates with little technical know-how. This has led to a serious set-back in the industrial development of the nation as a whole and a poor turn-out of qualified students from the Kaduna North Local Government area for admission into the various tertiary institutions in the country. This is a direct result of the deteriorating quality of education It has been determined that factors such as a student's internal state, including their intelligence, state of health, motivation, and anxiety, among other things, as well as their environment, which includes the availability of a suitable learning environment and an adequate educational infrastructure, are potential causes of poor academic performance in students. For instance, a daily sketch publication in 2006 on "causes and curses of poor performance at West African School Certificate Examination (WASCE)" identified and categorized problems responsible for students' poor performance as problems of teachers, problems of inadequate facilities in schools, problems traceable to students, problems caused by parents and society at large, and problems caused by government policies and low funding of educational sector. All of these factors were found to contribute to students' poor performance (Sulaiman, 2020). Baker (2020) and Princewill (2020) found that children from broken homes have lower self-esteem, lower achievement motivation and lover tolerance for delay of gratification and lower academic achievement than children from intact homes where both parents are present. In addition, children from broken homes have a lower academic achievement than children from intact homes where both parents are present. Musa (2019) stated that children are emotionally affected by their parents' constant disagreement and that this can lead to poor academic performance. On the basis of the information presented above, the researcher plans to carry out this study to investigate the impact that broken homes have on the academic performance of students in the Kaduna north local government area of Kaduna state. The objective of this study is to determine the degree to which kids who come from broken households have a disadvantageous impact on their overall academic performance in secondary school.
1.3 Purpose of the Study
This study is primarily focused on achieving certain objectives which are as follows:
I. To determine the extent to which children living with their own married parents perform academically better than children living with foster parents.
II. To determine the extent to which children who live with both parents perform academically better than children who live with single parent(s).
III. To determine the extent to which broken home influence the level of parental attention given to children.
IV. To determine the degree of impact broken home exert on the level of academic motivation given by parents to their children.
V. To determine the impact of broken home on the emotional atmosphere in homes.
VI. To assess the degree in which broken home affect the socio-economic status of parents.
VII. To assess the impact of broken home on the emotional stability of children.
1.4 Research Questions
The problem of this study centers on determination of the impact broken home has on academic performance of secondary school students with reference to some selected secondary schools in Kaduna North Local Government Area of Kaduna State. This problem has given rise to the following research questions and assumptions which this investigation is meant to address:
1. To what extent do children living with their own married parents perform academically better than children living with foster parents?
2. To what extent do children who live with single parent perform academically better than children who live with both father and mother?
3. To what extent have broken homes affected the level of attention given to students by their parents?
4. To what degree have broken homes affected the level of academic motivation given by parents to their children?
5. To what degree have broken homes affected the emotional atmosphere in homes?
6. To what degree do broken homes affect the socio-economic status of parents?
7. To what degree do broken homes affect the emotional stability of children?
1.5 Research Hypothesis
The following null hypothesis has been formulated to guide the study:
Hypothesis I
There is no significant difference between the academic performance of children living with their own married parents and children living with foster parents.
Hypothesis II
There is no significant difference between the academic performance of children living with their father and mother and their counter-part living with single parent.
Hypothesis III
There is no significant difference between the level of parental attention received by children from broken homes and their counter-part from intact homes.
Hypothesis IV
There is no significant difference between the level of academic motivation given by broken homes to their children and that given by intact homes.
Hypothesis V
There is no significant difference between the level of emotional stability of children from broken homes and their counter-part from intact homes.
1.6 Significance of the Study
It is hoped that at the end of this study, many stakeholders in education will benefit from the findings. Teachers, curriculum planners, educational administrators, students and even the government will find this study useful. The findings of this study may form the frame work for organizing seminars aiming at correcting deficiencies especially in homes and the marriage process and also improve teacher’s performance in the schools. This study will also be useful to the government in formulating educational policies. Curriculum planners and educational guidance and counselors will also use this study as a guide to their actions.
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